Wolf Tracks
Helping you on your path to wellness

Special Programs

Push-Up Challenge

The Push-Up Challenge is a 30-day program designed for all levels of fitness. Whether you challenge yourself to 10 a day or 25 a day, this program will challenge you. Push-ups are a great exercise for the chest, triceps, shoulders and engage the core (abdominal and back). The addition of a variety of positions will change the emphasis of the muscles being used making this a total upper body workout.

In this challenge you will be introduced to 30 different positions of push-ups. These different positions will create a variety of difficulties so choose wisely. Strive for 10 or 25 a day, or go until you reach fatigue. It is up to you. Download the Directions and Information HERE. Download the tracking sheet HERE. We have also created videos of the positions for easy reference. You can view the videos in the Fitness & Exercise Playlist on our YouTube Channel HERE.




This is a simple training program to help you get back out in nature and enjoy the fresh air. This program is an easy to follow progression of walking and jogging splits. Slowly building up your running time and decreasing your walking time. The first step of the program is to choose a goal or timeline. We encourage you to visit https://epicraces.com/ and select a virtual race. This organization has many races to choose from. Each race can be virtual, you choose the date and you will receive some good bling when you complete the race. Or, if there is a local race in your or neighboring town, register for that.  This program can be continually repeated and improved on for better times with each race. 

Download a sample progression HERE






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